What’s the Source? | Enthusiasm Character Time Activity
Enthusiasm is: “Expressing joy in each task as I give it my best effort.” This means to have a good attitude and do your best in every situation.
Supplies Needed:
A flashlight with the batteries removed
Batteries for the flashlight
A dark or not very bright room
Beforehand, remove the batteries from the flashlight without letting your child know. Go into a room that’s not very bright and give your child the flashlight. Tell them to use it to light up the room. Once they discover the flashlight is not working, show them the batteries and explain that the flashlight can’t shine because it doesn’t have a source of energy. Help your child put the batteries in the flashlight and let them shine it around the room, lighting it up.
Talk About It: The flashlight won’t shine if the batteries, its source of energy, are gone. Similarly, we can’t have true enthusiasm without the source of true joy: God. It is only because and through Him that we can have joy. Without Him, we might be able to have enthusiasm sometimes or in certain situations, but it doesn’t last. When our joy comes from God, however, we will be able to remain enthusiastic no matter what we are going through or what’s happening around us because He never changes. Jesus said in John 15:11, “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.” Practice enthusiasm by memorizing John 15:11 to help you remember that your joy comes from God.
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