Forgiveness from the Heart | Forgiveness Character Time Activity

Forgiveness From the Heart | Forgiveness Activity

Forgiveness is: “giving up feelings of anger and bitterness against those who offend me, and not holding a grudge.” This means letting go of being angry or upset with someone for something they did to you or to someone you love. It doesn’t always mean that your relationship is restored, but you are choosing not to stay upset or let what they did affect you in a bad way.

Supplies Needed:
2 identical coffee cups
2 spoons
Hot water
A packet of hot chocolate mix

Optional: 1 cup and packet of hot chocolate mix per child

Before you begin, empty the packet of hot chocolate mix into one of the coffee cups and an equal amount of dirt into the other. Hold the two cups up so that your child can’t see what is in them, and ask if they know what is different about the two cups. Then let them see inside the cups. Pour the hot water into the two cups and stir it. Ask your child which one they would want to drink.

Optional: Make a cup of hot chocolate for each child.

Talk About It: The two cups might have looked the same on the outside, but on the inside one was good and the other was bad. One contained hot chocolate while the other contained mud. When we hold on to grudges and don’t forgive, we may look and act the same on the outside, but inside we become bitter or angry. It’s important to forgive from the heart so we can truly let go of the anger and bitterness on the inside. Practice forgiveness by forgiving from the heart and not trying to hide anger inside when someone wrongs or hurts you.

“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32


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