Show and Tell | Gratefulness Character Time Activity

Show & Tell | Gratefulness Activity

Gratefulness is: “Letting others know by my words and actions how they have benefited my life.” This means showing and telling others that you are thankful for all the good they’ve done for you.

Ask your child to think of one of their favorite things they own. Have them get it and tell you why it’s their favorite, how they would like it to be treated, and how they would feel if it was lost or broken. Then ask them to get one of their least favorite things. Have them tell you why it’s one of their least favorites, how they would like it to be treated, and how they would feel if it was lost or broken.

Talk About It: When we have something that is special to us, we want to take care of it and we don’t want anything bad to happen to it. It is important, though, to take care of everything we have, such as our toys, our shoes and clothes, our rooms, and ourselves. We show gratefulness for what we have when we take care of our things, whether they are our favorite or not. This week you can practice showing gratefulness by taking care of your things and treating them like you would your favorite toy.



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